How to Share Your LEA's App List with the Community Using StudentDPA

StudentDPA enables Local Education Agencies (LEAs) to share a transparent and comprehensive list of apps, including their Data Privacy Agreements (DPAs) statuses, directly on their own websites. This transparency fosters trust and keeps your community informed about the digital resources being utilized. Here’s how you can leverage the "Export Settings" feature to create a widget or link for your website:

Step 1: Access Your StudentDPA Account

  • Log In: Navigate to the StudentDPA platform and log in with your authorized credentials.

Step 2: Navigate to the Apps Page

  • Find Apps Section: Once logged in, go to the 'Apps' section where you can manage and view the applications your LEA uses.

Step 3: Enable Export Settings

  • Export Button: Scroll to the bottom of the 'Apps' page and locate the 'Export Settings' button. This feature is your gateway to creating a public-facing list of your LEA's apps.

  • Make List Public: Click on 'Make List Public' to activate the feature. This action unlocks additional options for customizing what information you share.

Step 4: Customize Your List

  • Shareable Link or Embed Code: Choose between a direct link to your app list or an embed code that can be placed on your LEA's website.

  • Additional Features:

    • Show Grade Levels: Toggle this option to display the relevant grade levels for each app.
    • Show Content Area: Include information about the subject areas each app supports.
    • Show Notes: Provide the ability to add specific notes for each app, such as usage recommendations (e.g., "For Mr. Wilson's STEM class").

Step 5: Embedding and Sharing

Embed on Your Website: Use the provided embed code or link to integrate the app list into your LEA's website. This could be done through your site's content management system (CMS) or with the help of your web administrator.

Visibility: Ensure the list is placed in a relevant section of your website where it's easily accessible to students, parents, and educators.

Step 6: Review and Update Regularly

  • Accuracy: Regularly check and update the list to ensure it reflects the current state of app usage and DPAs within your LEA.

  • Feedback: Consider gathering feedback from your community to improve the usefulness and accessibility of the information provided.

This process not only enhances transparency about the digital tools your LEA utilizes but also demonstrates your commitment to data privacy and informed technology use in education. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about setting up your app list, the StudentDPA support team is available to assist you.